The Ultimate Guide to Self-Care for Teachers and Why It Matters

Ultimate Guide to Self-Care for Teachers

At their cores, dedicated teachers are willing to spend nearly all of their day helping others. But how often are these teachers being kind to themselves, too? Teachers will often get distracted or give in to negative thinking and fail to remember all of the ways they positively impact their students, colleagues, family, and friends. While this clearly provides value to those around teachers, what about the teachers themselves? It’s important to personally celebrate the big and small wins in your day to boost your mood. You could note a beautiful sunrise, humorous interaction with a student, or a helpful hand from a friend.

Teacher Self-Care 101

Check out Teacher Self-Care 101, provided by Curriculum Associates; an organization specializing in formative assessment strategies.

Even the small things can be enough to truly make a sizeable difference in the days of the teachers who give so much to their students and everyone else around them. That said, there are even more effective methods to ensuring that you’re receiving the care you deserve as a teacher; such as the self-care methods found in the resource coupled alongside this post. Check it out for more information! 

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